“Surround Sight transformed our software development lifecycle by introducing us to human-centered design. Today, our process is light years ahead of where we were and so is the impact we deliver to our clients.”
– Dan Rundle, CEO Worthwhile custom software
When I became accountable for our IT organization and our Engineering team it was clear that we had challenges. I knew we had technical debt, broken processes, and staffing issues but I didn’t have the technical abilities to evaluate our code base and I didn’t know the best path forward to solve our challenges. Enter Mike Storey. Mike created the clarity that our team needed on how to move forward and did it in a way that was respectful to our existing team and garnered the trust of my executive team. Mike has the experience, the presence, and the toolkit to help drive the transformation that organizations need. -Micah Brandenburg, CFO Entre Institute
– Micah Brandenburg, CFO Entre Institute
“Mike helped our engineering team adopt modern cloud-native software principles. We were able to scale our business and teams as a result of this approach, more than doubling our revenue.”
– Dan Rundle, CEO Worthwhile custom software
“The design thinking process puts real human users at the center of the action. Unfortunately, this is not the norm in software engineering where disconnected executives or shiny new technologies lead the way. This paradigm shift may seem simplistic, but it nothing less than transformative in the impact it achieves.”
– Dan Rundle, CEO Worthwhile custom software
I've known Mike for over four years. I met regularly with him throughout his journey at Worthwhile. His brilliant mind and creative energy found their fulfilment in architecting and improving a design thinking-based software development lifecycle that proved transformational. Mike is one of the most intelligent people I know. Being with Mike is an adventure in challenging conversations that have helped keep me "on my game." I highly recommend that you meet with Mike if you want to look at your situation with fresh insight.
— Dr. Joseph Bartosch, Executive Business Coach
Mike is a genius! While developing our app, his advice and guidance were spot on. A very cerebral and sincere developer/architect, Mike knows how to translate customer needs and implement ideas in an effective manner. We look forward to working with him in the future.
– Kelly Harris, Founder, CEO Discovery
Mike Storey brings a staggering amount of tech knowledge to the table. I have never met someone with such a thorough understanding of technologies, new and old, but also have so many experiences to have a frame of reference in all industries. Mike can contribute immediately to clients in any space. He is a visionary that can help you see your company’s future and get you the plan to get there.
– Lacey Pletcher, Vice President CEO Discovery
Mike is an amazing technologist who pairs deep experience with a human-focused design thinking approach. He helped bring structure and a level of rigor to our design and research process that has yielded greater clarity and more meaningful results. The architectural and user experience insights I gained from working with Mike I continue to use in some form on a near daily basis. I'm profoundly grateful for everything I've learned from Mike.
– Greg Warner, User Experience Design Guru, Worthwhile custom software